Tat Loo – 2013 Local Election

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Vote TAT 2
Tat Loo Independent Candidate for DCC (Central Ward)
Kia ora,
In 2007 I defected from the North Island, where I was raised, to Dunedin. I haven’t looked back. I’m a technology entrepreneur, manufacturing specialist and registered chiropractor in private practice. I hold a Master’s Degree in Pain Medicine. I’ve worked for major NZ corporates like Carter Holt Harvey Packaging, Marine Air Systems and Deloitte Consulting.
I’m standing for the City Council because we urgently need to get Dunedin cracking. I will support investment to safeguard Dunedin jobs and social services. I will push for cuts to extravagant and over-optimistic DCC capital projects, and advance new thinking on energy, climate change and sea-level increases. My commitments to South Dunedin include supporting ongoing free parking, and ensuring that plans for a library in South Dunedin proceed for the benefit of the entire community.
My “Bulk Buying Dunedin” policy will make essential utilities cheaper for all residents as well as reducing business costs. As a local employer and business owner proud to pay above minimum wage, I understand the importance of attracting high quality investment, permanent jobs and good people to Dunedin.
Independent Candidate for DCC (Central Ward)
Email: tat@tatloo.org
“Please give Tat Loo your FIRST or SECOND preference vote. Thank you”
“Lets [sic] Get Dunedin Cracking”
Authorised by Tat Loo, 266 Hanover St, Dunedin