Aaron Hawkins – Green Party – 2013 Local Election

AH - Facebook - leafletLocation: Unknown
Warm, healthy homes for everyone. And I mean everyone.
Dunedin is cold.
Good weather for penguins, and cheese rolls, but still cold.
A lot of our houses aren’t very good at keeping us warm and they can be freezing to live in, expensive to heat, and can even be making our families and ourselves sick.
There are lots of great ways to make our homes warm, dry and healthy. Whether you are a renter or a home owner, there are things the Dunedin City Council can do to help.
Aaron Hawkins will work with the Council to help ensure that Dunedin has warm, healthy homes for everyone.
Expand and extend the successful Warm Up Dunedin scheme.
Start a Warrant of Fitness system for rental properties.
Work with Dunedin community groups to help with healthy home improvements for people who need it.
For more information www.greendunedin.org.nz
Authorised by Shane Gallagher, Level 5, Burns House, 10 George St, Dunedin
Vote 1
Aaron Hawkins for Mayors and Central Ward